Monday, November 12, 2012

Got Robbed

I've been abscent of late because I worked promotion at the Royal Winter Fair.  There was two booths, one that was right beside a stage where performers would perform and was infront of this big curtain.  The booth I was at was near the food court but not too far from the stage and the other booth.  We kept our stuff behind the curtain, directly behind the other booth.  Some kept it under the table at the booth but it was crowded under the table some days.  For the seven days I worked everything went fine, some boxes were moved behind the curtain, some chairs were added, nothing else really happened, until Sunday.  When my first break was over, I wrap up my iPod and put it into my jacket pocket.  On my next break, I put on my jacket and decided to call home, see if the fam wants anything on my last day at the Fair.  I'm just about to get off the phone and listen to the rest of my podcast, no iPod.  I'm searching everywhere, every pocket and everywhere in the area.  My shit got took. 

Downright despicable.  For someone to go into someone else's personal things and take from them is just vile.  It's not even like the item of desire is out in the open like a quarter on the pavement, it's up for grabs.  No, this was in my jacket, INSIDE the breast pocket.  Son, padded down my jacket to find that iPod.  Now this person is bumpin' Adele and ScHoolboy Q on their way home!

This is my first time getting robbed of something significant.  I've lost a couple of things (a lot of things actually), and have gotten in trouble for it because I didn't take the proper precaution and placed something of mine in a location where I know where it is.  But never has someone fully taken something from me.  I feel dirty, I feel like a part of me is lost.  I'm mad because there isn't much of anything I can do.  The area is open to people, there was a three hour open window when I wasn't around and there's people that were going in and out of the area.  But still, MY SHIT WAS IN MY BREAST POCKET!

I've never taken anything that wasn't personally mine.  Not even a piece of candy, or a piece of fruit.  I'm not Aladdin.  I was never one to be really influenced by peer pressure or my peers, when I was younger my friends and the kids around me were some street rats but if I wasn't okay with something, I would never go through with it.  I remember one incident where we making these paper mache versions of Bonhomme to celebrate Quebec Winter Carnival.  My memory is kinda hazing but our school never went to Kerney, the town where the carnival was held in, because of a janitor strike.  I'm not sure if that was the circumstance for us not going but nobody was happy, so everybody destroyed their Bonhomme. 

I remember it, guys ripping the arms apart, smashing it against the trees, stepping on it's head.  I watched all of this, as I held my Bonhomme under my arm, I made this thing and I was gonna show my momma.  I took it home, she loved it, it stuck around for a while before we got rid of it.  The teachers heard about the destruction and cats were getting detention left and right.  Even at a young age I knew one thing when watching them: y'all were doing some dumb shit.

It took us about two weeks to make this thing and I wasn't gonna throw it away because we couldn't go somewhere.  Bump that noise!  So I kept mine unscathed, no one told me to join in, no one told me to help, I chilled and watched the destruction.  Like people filming during riots.

But back to my stolen iPod, who still steals?  Everyone has an iPod, iTouch or some other Apple product that you see so often it's almost rare not to see someone with one.  There's nothing really I can do at this point but hold my items even closer to me.  I learned a lesson yesterday and will carry that onward and upward and fuck that asshole who stole my shit. 

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